
The focal point of the “Sudstroum escher kulturlaf” is Esch-Belval. We strongly recommend that you get to Esch-Belval on foot, by bike or by public transport (train and bus).
The first runners (10 kilometers) will cross the finish line after about 30 minutes. Given the relatively short duration of the effort, a large refreshment area is not necessary. For slower runners and amateur racers, however, a regular supply of liquids and energy is important. To this end, we are providing 2 refreshment stations on the 10 kilometers course, 3 refreshment stations on the 10 miles course and 4 refreshment stations on the half-marathon course. Refreshments will also be available at the finish.
Sudenergie Mini-Kulturlaf
The “SUDenergie Mini-kulturlaf” is a race (1,000 m) for children aged between 5 and 12. Participation is free and no license is required. The primary aim of the “SUDenergie Mini-kulturlaf” is to participate and have fun. You won't be timed.
Musical program
Musicians and bands will be on hand all along the course to cheer on runners and entertain spectators.
Partnership with SOS Villages d’Enfants
This year, the “Sudstroum escher kulturlaf” will be making a donation to these charities: “SOS Children's Villages”
Cultural trail
The “Sudstroum escher kulturlaf” circuit not only passes along various cultural sites in the city. Musicians and bands also play on podiums and natural sites all along the race route, before, during and after the runners' passage.
Changing rooms & showers
Changing rooms and showers (for men and women) are available at the Lycée Bel-Val. After the race, a shuttle bus will operate permanently between the finish area and the Lycee (distance: approx. 1 kilometer).
Awards Ceremony & “After Kulturlaf Party”
The awards ceremony takes place in the “Maison des Arts et des Etudiants” in Esch-Belval at around 8.15 pm. After the ceremony, there will be live music.
Results will be available on our website www.kulturlaf.lu the day after the race.